
Archive for the ‘Relaxation’ Category

by Nick HobsonPsy-Cards

After a marital quarrel, Nick Hobson, who worked as a copywriter at the time, had a vivid dream in which he saw all the elements that made up his life spread out before him like a field. On seeing this patchwork of his life, instead of feeling stressed and put upon, he felt calm, peaceful and in control. When he awoke he wanted to share this personal vision to help others navigate their lives. So Psycards was born in the 1980s with its system of detachable symbols that could be connected to form a bigger picture, an alternative Tarot.

Tarot readers will recognise some of the 40 symbols, such as The Tower and The Moon, but other cards are based on archetypes from Jungian psychology, and take a bit of learning. There is a 227-page book that fully explains the cards as well as a small leaflet for easy reference. Maggie Kneen’s colourful and striking Medieval-flavoured illustrations draw the reader in and are taken from mythology, poetry and folk wisdom, Nick’s favourite subjects.

At the end of each card-explanation in the book, there are Thought Prompts that encourage the reader to delve deeply into their psyche and help them make key life-decisions.

For someone who prefers oracle cards, I find this deck a bit hard to get into, but I will persevere. Tarot readers, though, will find this just their cup of tea, as it’s a very nice set.

Review by Jane Stewart Adams

Published by US Games Systems Inc.



ISBN: 1-57281-355-5

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by Elisa BrownNew World

The eleven tracks on this CD are very diverse in terms of their origin and inspiration. Soprano singer Elisa Brown has worked with Barry Goldstein to compose, arrange, and take inspiration from many different strands and traditions.

This CD will appeal to people who enjoy World Music and World Beat; it also has a great deal to offer in terms of New Age spirituality and enlightenment. The shift from one style or mood to another seemed to me at first rather unsettling; however, on subsequent listenings; I found that it brought an increased awareness and attention.

True classical beauty is to be found in the ‘Ave Maria: Mother of the Light’, based on the Bach /Gounod Ave Maria. And a lovely light humour is present in ‘Wiggle Your Toes’, based on the traditional Irish ‘Merrily Kissed the Quaker’s Wife’.

The opening track, ‘Invocation’, is narrated by a number of people; one line is repeated in several different languages. To say that this is powerful and thought-provoking would be an understatement.

This CD is underpinned throughout by varied instrumentation, and the classical expertise and experience of Elisa Brown herself. There is a sense of exploration and experimentation in terms of the different genres represented here, and the whole production is a tribute to the people involved. For the listener, it is a rewarding and unusual experience.

Review by Annie Prosser

Produced by Barry Goldstein


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Produced for Jacqui Meadows of Spiritual SojournsUnicorn Magic

Unicorns bring magic into our lives. Coming from the same realm as the Angels they work on our higher consciousness and remind us of our connection to Source. Unicorns bring playfulness back into our lives, while dispelling the monsters within … those old thought forms that we carry subconsciously as negative programming through fear, and later as we grow up, cynicism about life. The Unicorn Collection invites you to receive very powerful healing especially in times of soul loss or where you have given your power away through difficult emotional situations in your life.

This beautiful collection offers three powerful meditations:

Unicorn Magic is the first guided visualisation. It invites you to explore the magic and alchemy in your life, i.e. what needs transmuting from lead to gold?

The second CD is called Unicorns in the Mist. This instrumental music meditation brings the gentle healing essence of the Unicorns close to you on the earth plane. This CD can be used for humans, horses and especially children in the home – notice the magic in your life when using this CD particularly when in Mother Nature as you connect with her. See the beautiful healing orbs as they bounce into your life.

The third and last of this trio is called Unicorn Enchantment. It’s guided visualisation invites you into the world of the unicorns. The dimension of angels and unicorns brings deep healing and soul retrieval into your life, and dispels all negativity within the aura. This is a powerful CD which takes the listener into an enchanting journey where unicorns live.

I loved receiving these three CD’s. One should take time out to enjoy them as they are an hour long each, parts of which are instrumental. The music is powerful yet relaxing. It is like a story in itself, taking you on a journey. The violin brings inner peace and the piano chords add deep relaxation. Tinkling sounds bring a sense of magic and enchantment. The voice guiding the meditations is pleasant and softly spoken. I did need to wear headphones as the music is a bit loud compared to the spoken meditation. Nonetheless this made the music really seep in helping let go of all that surrounded me and move into a deep alpha state.

I loved the first guided meditation where 12 unicorn guides bring rainbow light to your energy field, after which you are guided into a forest by Merlin himself to meet your Unicorn. After meeting your Unicorn it carries you away on its wings of light! The instrumental CD is lovely to play on the background during healing work and I will use it when doing my readings and making my sculptures. I am sure it will inspire me to make more unicorns. I will leave the third CD as a surprise. Suffice it to say it felt like a deeply healing and balancing CD to me.

Review by Cathelijne Filippo-Kokeel

welcome to spiritual sojourn healing centre

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By Jonathan CopeJonathanCope-COS-Cover90x90

Described on the back cover as ‘deeply meditative and ethereal sound landscapes created in resonant spaces using various forms of harmonic chant and overtone singing’, this album will delight anyone who loves Gregorian or Buddhist chanting and is looking for something similar but different. The CD is almost wholly vocal, with only the subtle addition of a tuning fork and a solo on Harmonic Flute on Track 8.

This CD is not, therefore, designed for casual listening, or as background music, but is intended to ‘allow the listener to enter an altered and relaxed state’ so that the music can ‘help balance the energies of the chakras and harmonize body, mind and spirit’. In other words, give it your full attention, and it can reach deep into your being and bring you back into a state of harmony.

A great way to unwind after a difficult day, and an excellent alternative to a large glass of wine or too many chocolates!

Review by Karen Tucker

Published by Sound for Health


ISBN: 6 34479 20816 4

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By Jonathan Cope & Paul LennonChakra Harmony

Sublime music for meditation, yoga, reiki, etc., and to balance the chakras, soothe the mind and refresh the spirit. Wonderful melodies, composed especially by Paul Lennon, combined with didgeridoo, Tibetan singing bowls, Tibetan horn, bells & chimes, overtone singing and chanting, drums, Native American flute, guitar, piano and gentle synthesizer. Vocal chants intone the chakra names and each track is composed in the frequency associated with each area from Base Chakra in C to Crown Chakra in G.

I have listened to and used many different kinds of meditation and chakra balancing tracks before, but found the use of the didgeridoo and the Tibetan horn brought in another noticeable level of vibration. In addition, the overtone singing and chanting weave through each track like a gentle but profoundly evocative stream which adds to the energy of the whole. The combination of all the instrumental and vocal elements means this CD has a quite unique style.

As each track carries its own vibrational quality, and can be used to tune-up specific chakras individually or as a whole.  I certainly felt the vibrations from the start and, although the final track features a powerful rhythm to ensure the listener is brought back to clear consciousness, I continued to feel much more centred, balanced and peaceful. Purely because of one or two track sequences (one featuring the Tibetan horn in particular), I am not totally sure this CD would be appropriate for gentle healing treatments, but it is certainly is the right one for meditation and chakra work.

Review by Joan Osborne

Published by Sound for Health



ISBN: 8 84502 87736 6

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10 minute meditations for pain reliefPain Relief Meditation

By Philip Permutt

Philip is reknown for his endless knowledge of crystals, healing and meditation. In this latest CD, his soothing voice along with background from LLewellyn is an excellent way to relax and ease any pain caused by stress. It is a well known fact that most pain is caused by stress or tension, and in the fast moving world we live in today we don’t always find time to relax.

Philip guided you through a choice of six different journeys including giving your pain a spirit, meeting a wise woman in a forest or visualising your pain as a green light, focusing on the site of pain and watching it drift away. Each journey lasts around 10 minutes so could be fitted into any hectic day!

I found the CD very calming and most effective.  I particularly enjoyed the green light meditation, I could really visualise my headache being wafted away.  There were also interludes  of just pure music to hold on to the moment.

I can honestly say it was indeed very soothing and left me feeling warm, at ease, and  free of any aches or pains!

Review by Susannah East

Published by Paradise Music Ltd



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Connecting with the ancient wisdom of stones, pebbles and crystals.Sacred Stones

by Philip Permutt and Lyn Palmer

I really enjoyed this book. I have been working with stones and crystals since childhood, but this book still held delights for me to savour. The photos are clear and the snippets of information alongside the text and the everyday practical exercises were a delight. The overall structure of the book takes us from the world of standing stones;  to collecting your own stones and crystals (and there is a good range of what is available and the special forms you can look for within those specimens); to rock art and working with the stones themselves; with a full run down on crystal healing and how to carry it out for yourself and others. All sections draw on the personal experiences of the co-authors and sparkle with their enthusiasm and respect for this area of wisdom.

The book is a guide to discovering your personal connection to the world of pebbles, stones and crystals and to tune into and benefit from their innate energy systems. The simple exercises enable you to work with the stones and crystals to benefit your health and well being. It helps you to find out how sacred stones focus, store, transmit and transmute energy; and gives you techniques to “enter the stones”- to tune in and move deeply within, mingling your energy with that of the stones. This will help you to connect with and feel their power and ancient wisdom and unlock their secrets for yourself.

It is a lovely book for the beginner and the experienced practitioner;  with snippets of information and nuggets of wisdom that can be accessed at whatever level you are at presently.  Each person who picks up the book will enjoy it at their own level and make progress within the world of minerals. It will develop and encourage your curiosity and respect for these lovely treasures of the earth; even if all you do is flick through looking at the beautiful photographs and illustrations. It is also a book that would make a great present for a friend, as it truly has something for everyone in its approach, explanation and language.

Review by Rosalyn Ogden

Published by CICO Books  www.cicobooks.com

ISBN 978-1-907563-65-2


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by Ali Calderwood & Daniela BroderSound Medicine

Anima’s music is a blend of soothing vocals and world instruments, infused within healing soundscapes and translucent atmospheres.  Using a variety of sacred instruments and sounds including crystal and Tibetan bowls, didgeridoo and shamanic chants, word and harmonies that awaken the heart to the light of the soul.

It has now been recognised that our modern day musical scale has been tuned in such a way that it no longer contains the frequencies and notes of the ancient solfeggio tonal scale used in ancient times for healing and transformation.

Each blissful track contains a transmission of the ancient solfeggio frequencies. These healing tones each resonate at a specific frequency found within our original Divine blueprint, and exposing ourselves to these frequencies can help our bodies, cells and DNA to come back into balance and alignment. Listening to these tones allows the body and energetic system to absorb and remember its original state, helping us to return to our highest potential.

“Don’t you just love those magical moments in your life when you pick up a book, or hear a piece of music that touches your very core?  It resonates so deeply within you that it gives the impression that the author/composer knows exactly how you are feeling/thinking/being at this particular time, and a connection is made through their words or music that simply ripples throughout your entire being. Well, listening to this album was one of those moments. For me, this album is not to be explained but to be experienced and I truly do hope that your experience of this album is just as magical for you.”  Sandra Marrison


“I am blown away by the power of this CD.  Hearing a short extract for the first time alerted me to the incredibly high frequencies offered to the listener.  It realigns mind, body and spirit to the deep spiritual experiences of enlightened states.  Now my regular morning sound bath, I am daily cleansed, healed, uplifted and reconnected with the sacred energies so needed at this time.  Every journey a different experience and highly transformative, this is much more than just beautiful music.  I cannot recommend this highly enough.” Claire Williams


Published by Divinit Publishing Ltd  www.diviniti.co.uk

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by John-roger & Paul KayeLiving Spiritual Principles

Health is one of the most important subjects of our time. More important than how much money a person has, health is literally wealth. In this fifth book by authors John-Roger and Paul Kaye they view health and well-being from the inside out breaking the process down into simple principles that anyone can practice at no cost. They look at health from a holistic, multidimensional perspective.

This perspective offers approaches that engage not only our physical body but also the imaginative, emotional, mental, unconscious, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.

Living the spiritual principles of health and well-being is filled with practical wisdom that expands our awareness beyond the usual way of considering health. It delivers a multitude of cost-free and under-utilised resources that not only support improving and maintaining our health and well-being, but also taking responsibility for the long term direction of our health.

It consists of 3 key aspects to health that can be readily applied, a brief 5-point plan of health, 8 spiritual principles of health and well-being as well as a 30-day health plan.

I found this a most encouraging and inspiring book. Before starting to read it, I had expected this book would not teach me many new things as I have already read many books on health. Even though quite a few things in the book are not new to me, the way it is all brought together brings a great sense of wisdom. From nutrition to spiritual practice this book is truly holistic! And what is more, it is a book devoid of criticism.

Often self-help books about the responsibility for our own health can leave a sick person feeling blamed and ashamed. Yet this book brings only hope, understanding, insight, great tools and the most important message of all: love heals.

Review by Cathelijne Filippo-Kokkeel

Published by Mandeville Press



ISBN:  978-1-935492-07-8

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with Seeliana MarchisioReiki Drum

Reiki Drum healing is a healing treatment combining the Shamanic drum with reiki healing.  My initial reaction was “how can the two go together?” so I was amazed how well they do work together!

Celia originally qualified as a music teacher and went on to become a spiritual healer, reiki master and teacher.

After a few formalities, and a few deep breaths to relax, Celia spent about twenty minutes ‘scanning’ me as I lay on the couch by tapping the drum with a continuous beat checking for any blockages or areas that need healing.

The drum appeared to change pitch at appropriate times.  The drumming literally engulfed me, so soothing.

Drumming was followed by a reiki treatment.  The reiki seemed to be somewhat enhanced by the drumming.  I found the whole treatment a very healing and uplifting experience, the session lasted about an hour.

It only came to the UK in 2007 but I am sure it will catch on!

Review by Sue East


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